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Strategies for Choppy Markets


Hey friend,

The inflation data has been positive for some sectors, negative for others.

On balance, it’s had a positive impact on all the indexes – so far.

The Daily Direction

Note: All indexes closed higher following yesterday’s CPI report, sending multiple directions back upward.

The Daily Nugget

Different market conditions require different strategies.

One big part of being a successful trader is knowing which strategies work best at which time.

Because even if a strategy can be successful in any market…

They will be more successful during certain times – and less successful in others.

Right now, the market is choppy – and uncertainty is high ahead of the Fed likely starting its rate-cutting cycle next week.

Choppy markets always create opportunities.

And one of the best strategies for choppy markets is to look for the tell-tale footprints of the institutional money.

If you can spot these trades, you could use their money for your profit.

That’s why they do their best to cover their tracks.

But after years in the heart of Wall Street, Head Trader Ross Givens knows these institutional money tracks like the back of his hand.

Ross recorded a presentation a while ago exposing everything you need to know to spot these trades.

Some of the info is a little outdated, but the core strategy still applies perfectly to current markets.

So click here to watch it now…

And turn this choppy market to your favor.

The Traders Agency Team

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