Hey friend,
Let’s see how markets have been moving.
The Daily Direction

Note: Crude oil prices jumped yesterday after Saudi Arabia and Russia extended supply cuts. This weighed on markets, with all indexes closing lower. The short and medium-term directions of the Dow Jones and the Russell 2000 flipped downward.
The Daily Nugget
Know which market conditions best supports your edge.
The famous quote from Sun Tzu is to know your enemy and know yourself.
In trading, it’s to know your edge and to know the market.
Because certain edges work much better in specific market conditions – and not so well in others…
Meaning if you don’t know how your edge correlates with the market – you’re definitely missing out on opportunities.
So take a moment to reflect on your edge to understand the most appropriate market conditions to deploy it.
You’ll be better off.
And if you don’t have a proven edge you can use…
The Traders Agency Team