Home » The Daily Direction » Are We in an Irrational Market? (Important Truth)

Are We in an Irrational Market? (Important Truth)


Hey friend,

Does the market still have enough gas to keep pushing higher – or will the inevitable pullback finally hit this week?

Stay tuned.

And while waiting, check out how the indexes have been moving.

The Daily Direction

Note: All indexes except the Nasdaq closed marginally higher to end the week. No change in any index directions – which all remain upward.

The Daily Nugget

Never underestimate how long the market can stay “irrational”.

It is rational to expect this rally to go through a healthy pullback before the next big leg up can resume.

It is rational to think that, given how the market has been moving lately, that this pullback is overdue.

But it is irrational to expect that the market will do so on “your time”….

Because one big thing every savvy trader eventually realizes is that the market can stay “irrational” longer than you might rationally expect.

So the question is – how do you best play this seemingly “irrational” market?

Well, block off your calendar for tomorrow, February 27, at 3 p.m. Eastern (an earlier send mistakenly listed the time at 12 p.m. ET)

Because this is when Ross Givens is going LIVE for a masterclass that will allow you to create “win-win” scenarios using a very specific proven chart pattern…

Scenarios where you could win even if this rally keeps going – and win even if it starts pulling back.

With people wondering where this market is heading next, you don’t want to miss this masterclass.

So click here now to book your spot before registrations fill up…

And we’ll send you the login details closer to the masterclass tomorrow.

The Traders Agency Team

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There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

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