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Cashing in on Real Companies Right Now


I’m going to share some striking data with you today that shows you that investing in the stock market isn’t about gimmicks or coming up with elaborate algorithms. Instead, it really comes down to common sense. And I’ll share one of my great surge stocks that keeps working right now.

And common sense is what I do in finding stocks that are going to surge. And I do it every day. And a great example of common sense is finding out if a company has management (insiders) buying and own their own stock.

And I’ve been doing it for you over the past months inside my Traders Daily Direction with plenty of great performers that I hope that you’ve been cashing in on from my Watch List. And to see the current Watch List, click here for my latest stocks that are set to surge now

My Surge Stock Indicator (SSI) sounds elaborate. But really it boils down fundamentals of companies and the stock market that works to find great companies with great stocks that the stock market is going to buy and buy big in the coming days and weeks.

And to see each of the individual components of my SSI – you need to read my special report that I wrote to explain in simple, straightforward terms how I find great companies with stocks that will become great. To download it for free right now click here

Now, this really counters the common trouble for investors.

Real Companies Have Great Stocks

We’ve been told that investing is hard.

That making big gains in the stock market requires extensive research and uncanny foresight.

This is simply not true.

Most of this century’s top performing stocks are household names.

They were hiding in plain sight.

Where did you buy your jeans?

Who delivered the pizza on Sunday?

What drink did you buy at the gas station?

Why was Fido’s vet bill so high?

What are you watching on TV?

These simple questions could have led you to monstrous gains.

In the last 20 years we have seen both the worst bear market and the strongest bull market in several generations. And the proof is found in the baseline performance of the S&P 500 Index.

S&P 500 Index 20-Year Total Return 

Over the past twenty-years – the S&P 500 Index has returned 438.47%. That means that for each dollar invested in just the generic stock market twenty-years ago – investors now have $5.37.

Despite the financial crisis, a never-ending war on terrorism, and a global pandemic, many stocks have delivered life-changing returns.

And many, many stocks have done much, much better than the generic stock market.

In fact, most of the top performers will not surprise you.

Bold-Faced & Not So Bold-Faced Name Companies

Tech names like Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX) and Apple (AAPL) have changed the way we live.

And their stock performance has been a reflection of that.

But some of the biggest gainers of the last 20 years will shock you.

Ever seen one of these trucks on the interstate?

You probably didn’t think twice about it.

Afterall, it’s not a sexy tech company or a ground-breaking biotech startup.

Old Dominion Freight Line (ODFL) is a trucking company. 

It hauls freight.

But this boring business has rewarded shareholders in a big way.

The stock is up 24,863%… enough to turn $10,000 into $2,496,300.

Tractor Supply Company (TSCO) is another sleeper.

Shares are up 13,380% since 2001.

I’ve been paying $10 a month to Netflix since George W was in office.

You probably have too – along with 200 million other people.

So, it shouldn’t surprise you the stock is up 49,903% since going public in 2002.

But the best performing stock over the last two decades isn’t a veterinary lab… or a shipping company… or a streaming giant… 

It’s not even a tech company.

It’s an energy drink.

Monster Beverage (MNST) sells a line of heart attack-inducing beverages with names like NOS, Full Throttle, Burn, and Predator Energy.

I’ve yet to taste one that didn’t make me gag.

But I am obviously in the minority.

The stock has surged an eye-popping 120,846% since 2001.

A $10k investment would be worth over $12 million today.

A Real Company with A Surging Stock

This stock is going to be a surprise but not when you know the company behind it.

Idexx Laboratories (IDXX).

Remember those expensive lab tests your vet ran on the family dog?

Yeah. That’s these guys.

The stock is up 8,694% over the last two decades.

In fact, I put this stock on my Stock Surge Watchlist on May 24th when it was trading for $545. 

It’s up 19% since.

Idexx Laboratories Total Return May 24 to Now Source Bloomberg

As I said, investing doesn’t need to be overly complicated.

Stick to the best companies – the ones making products or services you use and love.

See who’s getting YOUR money.

Then buy once the surge is underway.

Another Simple Investing Idea

As I noted above, I am ramping up my insider stock buying research that is part of my Surge Stock Indicator (SSI) with a new product that we’ve just launched here at Traders Agency called Insider Edge. And this is all about stocks with big surges in insiders’ buying their own shares.

And to get the full rundown on how to profit by buying stocks that insiders are buying right now, you can watch the replay of my live event from yesterday detailing how insider trading provides a powerful stock picking tool. Click here to watch the replay.

Brand New Strategy for Profiting from AI Stocks.

There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

It has to do with a fast-moving “backdoor” that has opened in the AI market... A backdoor that could send a very special class of AI stocks rocketing into the stratosphere.

All This is Yours for just 99 CENTS! (Limited Time Only)

No catch and no gimmicks. Get a full year of access to Ross Givens’ Live Action War Room for just 99 cents today – alongside the name of his “$3 AI Wonder Stock”. Deal expires soon.

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