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Counterintuitive Secret to Long-Term Profitability


Hey friend,

Welcome to a brand-new trading week.

It’s been a while…

But if you look at The Daily Direction table below, you’ll see a welcome sight – all green, with not a single drop of red in sight.

The Daily Direction

Note: All indexes closed last week higher, but the Russell 2000 – 2023’s laggard – made a big move upward of nearly 3%, convincingly flipping its long-term direction upward.

The Daily Nugget

Achieving profitability over time often requires sacrificing profitability in the moment.

It feels good to be right on a trade…

To watch your account go up and your idea validated.

Profitability in the moment is great – an emotional high…

But profitability over time is the only thing that really matters.

And the thing is, in order to achieve profitability over time…

You actually need to actively reduce the emotional high you get from profitability in the moment…

Because that will allow you to ruthlessly cut losses and systematically take profits – an emotionally difficult (yet necessary) task.

You can have the most effective strategy in the world, but if you cannot do the above – you will still fail.

The equation for profitability over time is emotional discipline plus an effective strategy with a proven edge.

The emotional discipline part is up to you…

But we can help you with the effective strategy part.

After years in the beating heart of Wall Street, Ross Givens noticed 100% anonymous trades being placed “behind the scenes”…

Trades that often lead to massive surges in the prices of select stocks.

After investigating, Ross built an entire strategy around these “Stealth Trades”…

A strategy that could allow you to profit from using the money of these deep-pocketed investors…

And a strategy you can start using for yourself by clicking here.

The Traders Agency Team

Brand New Strategy for Profiting from AI Stocks.

There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

It has to do with a fast-moving “backdoor” that has opened in the AI market... A backdoor that could send a very special class of AI stocks rocketing into the stratosphere.

All This is Yours for just 99 CENTS! (Limited Time Only)

No catch and no gimmicks. Get a full year of access to Ross Givens’ Live Action War Room for just 99 cents today – alongside the name of his “$3 AI Wonder Stock”. Deal expires soon.

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