Home » The Daily Direction » Investing’s Cardinal Sin

Investing’s Cardinal Sin


Hey friend,

It looks like another winning week in the markets.

Next week’s CPI report will do a lot in confirming – or reversing – this recovery.

Let’s see how markets have been moving.

The Daily Direction

Note: All indexes closed marginally higher again yesterday – keeping all index directions firmly in the green.

The Daily Nugget

“It’s important to note that exiting the market after a decline – and thus failing to participate in a cyclical rebound – is truly the cardinal sin in investing.”
~Howard Marks

So many investors get scared off by a correction…

That they never come back in after the rebound – missing out on participating in the rebound.

This is the cardinal sin in both investing and trading…

And it’s how people end up buying high and selling low – instead of the opposite.

Right now, the market is emerging from a pullback…

And if you want to go after the stocks that could surge the fastest in this rebound…

Then follow what the “smart money” is doing.

Ross Givens explains how to do that here.

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There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

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