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Should You Care About Valuations?


Hey friend,

Hope you all had a great weekend celebrating the greatest nation on earth.

Here’s how the markets have been moving as we enter the first full trading day of the week.

The Daily Direction

Note: Markets closed the first half of 2023 with a bang, then eked out a small gain on Monday – showing that the momentum could still keep going. All index directions are firmly in the green.

The Daily Nugget

Stock prices care about expectations, not valuations.

You hear it all the time – “valuations are too high!”.

The implication is that the market cannot support this – and that a sharp correction is inevitable.

The thing is, stock prices are about the future, not the past.

Expectations are the future, and valuations are the past.

This is an especially important reminder if you’re a trader targeting fast returns.

Look at what’s happened in 2023 so far.

So many “analysts” were crying about how valuations were way too high considering the Fed’s rate hikes – and that further downturns were inevitable.

Meanwhile, Ross Givens was studying the price action and telling people to keep going long since January.

If you had listened to those analysts crying about “too high” valuations instead of Ross, you would have missed out big.

And we’re not talking about just the broader market (like the S&P 500 or the Nasdaq) either…

Because Ross’ #1 pattern has been generating returns far above the market – delivering multiple 50+% gains (and even a 100+% gain) in a matter of weeks.

And Ross Givens is going live right NOW to show you how to put it to work for yourself in the second half of 2023.

So click here to join him in the live room now…

Because Ross believes that the second half of 2023 will be even better than the first…

And you don’t want to miss out.

Ross is waiting.

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