Let me start with where I left off yesterday. I shared with you a surging stock: BlueLinx (BXC). This stock continued to soar again yesterday to a new decade-long high—and it’s not done yet! In case you didn’t get to read my Surge Stock Daily yesterday, you can click here and check out exactly what you missed.

BlueLinx is confirming my Surge Stock Indicator (SSI) on many fronts. And if you haven’t yet downloaded my free report 5 Stocks Blowing Out Ross’ Stock Surge Indicator, just click here to download it now. In the report, I go through BlueLinx and surging stocks to show you why you need to buy them right now. BlueLinx has a Surge Score of 99/100. The market is confirming what I am seeing in the stock and the company. One of the key metrics of my SSI is revenue surges. As I showed you with BlueLinx, it is now hitting it out of the park in revenue.

In fact, its last quarterly report showed a 41% revenue surge—but the company just announced their latest revenue showing that revenue surged even more by 54.89%. That’s fantastic and I see more to follow.
I also showed you the return of the stock that, for the trailing year alone, has made investors 967.46%.

BlueLinx is a distributor of building products. As you have read, heard, or should’ve heard, demand is soaring for building materials This is the company right in the heart of the market.
SSI Indicator #3
BlueLinx is confirming one of my five SSI system indicators, Number 3: revenue surges. And you can read my full report right now: The Magic of the Stock Surge Indicator by clicking here.
SSI Indicator Number 3 shows surging revenue. My SSI system works by kicking out every stock that doesn’t have sales surging by at least 25%. Then I find the ones that are not only exceeding 25% surge, but also doing much, much more.
BlueLinx, as just noted, is surging sales by 54.89%. That’s on top of the prior quarter’s big surge and the quarter before that. This shows a pattern that makes my SSI Number 3 rule really shine for this stock.
Sales are one of the few fundamentals that companies can’t fake or hide from. Either a company sells more, or it doesn’t. There’s no managing or massaging the number.
TheBlueLinx 54.89% sales gain is more than five times the sales gains for all of the companies inside the S&P 500 Index that have reported so far for the first quarter. Even if you look at the technology companies inside the S&P 500 Index,they’ve only reported sales gains that are well less than half the BlueLinx sales gains, at only 22.50%.
No wonder BlueLinx’s stock is outgunning both the S&P 500 Index and the S&P Information Technology Index by a factor of more than 18.69.
Embrace the surge in sales, as it is a powerful part of my SSI Indicators.
Another one?
I don’t want you to wait one more minute to hear about my next surging stock inside my free report 5 Stocks Blowing Out My Stock Surge Indicator. You can download and read it right now by clicking here.
Here’s another surging stock that shows the power of my SSI Indicators:
Digital Turbine (APPS).

Digital Turbine has only returned 1150.64% over the past year, and there’s plenty more to go. Plus, it has an SSI Surge Score of 99/100.
The Austin, Texas-based company focuses on providing turn-key systems primarily for mobile games, as well as for mobile chat and other services. It also provides payment systems for billing. It has developed a global reach throughout Europe, North and South America, and even Asian markets.
In the US, it has developed good ties with the primary mobile operators, including Verizon (VZ) and T-Mobile (TMUS), that provide a lot of credibility with clients.
The company again follows the SSI Indicator Number 3 with surging sales.

Sales are surging for the most recent filing by 145.98%.
And it is not just about sales growth, but also the margin, where the company has shown its performance. Operating margin, meaning sales less direct costs, are running at 9.50%. In turn, the company is delivering a whopping 46.20% return on shareholders’ equity in the company.
The company shows ample regular cash flows, which allows for further investment and keeps less cash on hand. It also allows the company to avoid debts for now with the debt to assets running at a very low level of 10.70%.
This buys a lot of credibility with the credit markets, as well as with institutional and investment advisor investors.
Institutions Loaded Up
All of the great SSI indicators are also noticed by institutional and hedge fund investors. The big guys currently own more than 78% of outstanding shares. That is up over just the past few weeks—and they are getting onboard this surging stock. The number of institutional funds owning the stock has doubled from 280 to 450.
Digital Turbine is a turbo-turbine stock already that you need to buy and own right now.
I want to go through more stocks like Digital Turbine and BlueLinx as well as the meat of my SSI Indicators. I am set for a free live session next Wednesday. You need to sign up for that live session as a subscriber to my Surge Stock Daily. You can make sure you reserve your slot on that exciting webinar right now by clicking here—before it fills up.
That’s it for now, but tomorrow I’ll show you another SSI Surge stock to buy. So be sure to open and read my Surge Stock Daily.