Hey friend,
And as we enter a new (though shortened) trading week, let’s see how markets have been moving.
The Daily Direction
Note: A mixed but largely flat close for the markets yesterday as investors grappled with whether the debt deal would be able to pass a divided Congress. No change in any index directions.
The Daily Direction
“The fastest way to take a bath in the stock market is to try to prove that you are right and the market is wrong.”
-William J. O’Neil
Legendary stock market investor William O’Neil passed away yesterday.
To honor him, today’s Daily Nugget is a powerful quote that encapsulates the reality of being a trader – the market is ALWAYS right.
If a stock goes up or down even when it wasn’t “supposed to”, you can’t be mad – you just have to accept it and learn from it.
What really helps is understanding why stocks move the way they do.
Of course, there isn’t any one magical factor that always influences a stock’s prices…
But if you can understand how to spot the few major ones, you’ll be way ahead of most traders out there.
There’s one BIG factor that always moves stock prices – institutional action…
And right now, as part of our extended Memorial Day Special, you can find out how to “cash in” on these institutional big money moves for just $0.99.
The Traders Agency Team
P.S. If you want special trade prospects and potential market moves from Ross sent directly to your phone – so you don’t miss out on anything – just text the word ross to 74121.