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Will You Follow the Herd in September?


Hey friend,

The negative manufacturing PMI data – combined with an already gloomy market outlook for September – led to a big negative day for the markets yesterday.

This Friday’s jobs report will be another big needle mover.

In the meantime, let’s see how indexes have been moving.

The Daily Direction

Note: All indexes closed sharply lower yesterday, sending the short-term direction for the S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 downward. The medium term direction for the Nasdaq also moved into downward territory.

The Daily Nugget

Getting above-average market returns requires going against the herd.

Herd behavior is why market cycles are inevitable…

And following the herd is also how so many traders end up buying high and selling low.

That’s why all successful traders require at least some form of going against the herd.

For instance, buying the dip while everyone is wringing their hands worried about the recession they’ve been predicting for years now.

That’s why in just a bit at at 3 p.m. Eastern later today…

Head Trader Ross Givens is going LIVE for a masterclass on his #1 dip-buying strategy of all time.

It involves following the corporate insiders into stocks that look beaten down – but are actually poised for a huge surge…

All thanks to positive price-moving news coming down the pipeline that the insiders likely already know about.

Last week alone, we sold several of these insider positions for 30–40% gains each – positions held for just weeks or even days.

And if the dip plays out like it did last month, we could see more fast gains just like this.

So if you haven’t yet, please click here to lock in your slot for Ross’ dip-buying masterclass later this afternoon…

Where he’ll show you:

  • How to access the database containing the records of all these insider trades…
  • The subtle yet dangerous mistakes traders make when trying to follow these insiders…
  • The 3 counterintuitive insider buying signals you must know about…

If you missed out on buying the dip last month, don’t miss out again.

We’ll send you the login masterclass details shortly…

And Ross will see you at 3 p.m. ET.

The Traders Agency Team

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