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Building Up the Surge


Hey there, Trader!

If you’ve been following the momentum and surge we’ve seen with BlueLinx (BXC) over the past few days, don’t worry – we’re going to talk about that a bit more today.

But before we dig into that, I wanted to make sure you’ve already marked my Under the Radar Surges interview with Josh Martinez this Wednesday at 3:00 on your calendar. If you haven’t already registered for this, time is running out and space is filling up.

This is my introduction to how I build up my system on finding surging stocks. Stocks like BlueLinx that are up by 30.37% since last week.

And I’ll be presenting some new additional surge stocks that you won’t want to miss.

In addition, I’ll be going through my Surge Stock Indicators (SSI) each in detail so that you will be fully onboard how I find the stocks that don’t just go up…they surge higher and higher in shorter order.

You can’t miss this session. To join me, click here right now to get registered. It’s really that fast and that simple.

Building Blocks

Each of my surge stocks earn their rankings as I use the building blocks of my Surge Stock Indicators (SSI). And in a moment, I’ll bring you my SSI #4: The Surge Score.

But first, let me keep you up on BlueLinx. This is a building blocks company for the housing market. Housing is hot across the United States right now. Builders and contractors are screaming for building products and are willing and able to pay whatever to get products on site right now. For a complete discussion of BlueLinx, you need to download my free report 5 Stocks That Are Blowing Out Ross’ Stock Surge Indicator by clicking here.

This is what BlueLinx does and does very, very well. It provides and distributes building products for home construction as well as commercial development.

It confirms SSI #3 with its surging sales that for the latest quarter were reported up by 54.89%.

BlueLinx Revenue Growth by Quarter Source Bloomberg
BlueLinx Revenue Growth by Quarter Source Bloomberg

And it confirms my other five SSI Indicators including #4 with its Surge Score of 99/100 that I’ll break down for you in just a minute.

The stock has surged as I noted by 30.37% including the gain of 4.77% Monday alone.

BlueLinx Price Source Bloomberg
BlueLinx Price Source Bloomberg

BlueLinx is not alone as I’ve been bringing you other surge stocks in my Surge Stock Daily. And to read more about these stocks including BlueLinx, Digital Turbine (APPS), Power REIT (PW) and InfuSystems Holdings (INFU) you need to read my special report, 5 Stocks Blowing Out Ross’ Stock Surge Indicator that you can get right here, right now, along with all of my other Special Reports.

But right now, I also want to bring you another surge stock that provides building blocks for another hot market right now.

Another Building Block Surge Stock

I can’t stop myself – so much action here I just have to share another pick that recently hit my SSI.

Mobile devices are a must have for everyone. You can’t do anything without your phone or tablet right now. And companies that make phones and tablets work and work better for their owners are cashing in right now.

And those same companies are not just surging in their businesses – but are surging in their stock prices.

And I have a stock that’s driving the mobile device app market and surging in its stock price.

Zedge (ZDGE)

Zedge (ZDGE) is my next surge stock with a surge score of 99/100. That’s just about as high of a surge score that a stock can earn. And it makes for a great way to build up your own portfolio with its surging price. And what a surge stock should be.

Zedge is up by 1101.04% over the past year.

Zedge Total Return Source Bloomberg
Zedge Total Return Source Bloomberg

Zedge operates a content distribution platform for mobile devices. The company empowers mobile customers to personalize their devices with all sorts of must-have personalization apps and software. And it provides other app makers the tools to build upon its systems and products to make more of the mobile market.

Zedge confirms SSI Indicator #3 with its surging sales that for the most recent quarter are up by 100.98%. And that’s on top of the prior quarters’ surging sales.

Zedge Revenue Growth by Quarter Source Bloomberg
Zedge Revenue Growth by Quarter Source Bloomberg

Zedge also confirms SSI # 1 with its Triple Momentum. The stock is trading above its major moving averages as it surges in waves in the market over the past year. And it also confirms SSI # 2 with the stock price well above its 30% price above its 52-week low.

And as you’ll see in a moment, it also confirms Stock Surge Indicator #4.

It also has major insider owners and buyers of the stock. Management and the board of directors own 15.04% of the company and have been adding to their ownership recently with their own money by 5.46%.

Then it also has the attention and the money of institutional investors that are onboard this surging stock. Investment funds, hedge funds and even venture capital funds all have major stakes in this surge stock. Combined – the institutions have bought and own 62.80% of the outstanding shares. And these institutions along with insiders know what the company has under the hood and they want and need to be onboard – like you need to be right now.

Now Let Me Introduce SSI Indicator #4

Surge Stock Indicator #4 is my Surge Score Proprietary System. This is at the heart of my SSI Indicators as I rank my database of surge stock contenders with a scoring system of zero to 100. And to make my cut to be a true surge stock – the stock has to have a surge score of 75 out of 100 (75/100) or better.

Let me put this into perspective. Ranking stocks is like ranking other things in our daily lives.

Earning $100k a year as a server at an Applebee’s fast casual restaurant would make you a top performer. But as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs (GS), you’d be at the bottom of the pile.

Everything is relative. To find the best of anything, it must be ranked against its peers. And stocks are no different. We want to hold stocks that are not only performing well but outpacing other investment alternatives.

In other words, we don’t just want good stocks, we want the best stocks.

I use a proprietary “surge” indicator that measures each stock’s price performance over a twelve-month period compared to thousands of other stocks in the database.

Performance is weighted across short, medium, and long-term time frames with additional weight given to the most recent 12-week period.

Each stock is assigned a surge score ranging from 1 to 99 (99 being the highest) to reflect its relative price strength compared to its peers.

A surge score of 75 means the stock has outperformed 75% of all other stocks in the database.

And for stocks like Zedge, it has a surge score of 99/100 just like BlueLinx’s surge score of 99/100. This means that Zedge and BlueLinx are ranked at the top of my SSI # 4 system.

There is a lot more to SSI # 4. And you need to read my special report: The Magic of the Stock Surge Indicator available for immediate download just by clicking here.

You Need to Attend My Live Session

I am going to go through more stocks like BlueLinx, Digital Turbine, Power REIT, InfuSystems, Zedge as well as the meat of my SSI Indicators in my live session tomorrow. You need to sign up for free as a subscriber to my Surge Stock Daily. You can do so right here, right now – just one click and you’re in.

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That’s it for now, but tomorrow I’ll show you another SSI surge stock to buy. So be sure to open and read my Surge Stock Daily. And I’m looking forward to seeing you at my session tomorrow.

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